About MDMS
The Indian Medical device market is currently valued at USD 5.2 billion and is experiencing a growth rate of 15% CAGR as against the growth rates observed by developed countries of the World including USA with growth rate of about 4% CAGR. India is dependent on imports for its medical device needs with about 80% of the medical devices being imported. In view of the huge import dependency and long technology development cycle of medical devices, there is an immediate need for providing holistic support across the medical device development and commercialization cycle including R&D, scale-up, validation, regulatory compliance, market access etc.
The Medical Device and Diagnostics Mission Secretariat (MDMS) under the Division of Innovation & Translational Research (ITR), ICMR-Hqrs, New Delhi aims to foster indigenous manufacturing of medical devices and diagnostics to decrease import dependency of India in this sector. MDMS will incentivize and motivate local manufacturing in India and provide holistic support to the technologies/ products nearing commercialization.
MDMS will create a pipeline of innovative medical devices and start-ups by supporting Biodesign Programs through its CLIMB Scheme which will be implemented in partnership by leading Medical and Engineering Institutes in the Country in line with Make in India, Skill India and Start-up-India initiatives of the Government of India. Also, a special scheme- Product Ignition and Development Enabler (mPRiDE) will be initiated to incentivize and motivate local manufacturing in India and provide holistic support to the technologies/ products nearing commercialization. Centers of Excellence (CoE) for medical device and diagnostics innovation and product development will be set-up at various Institutes across the country. Other specialized theme based centers will also be supported by ICMR under MDMS to catalyse focused product development in a specified technology segment as per global health priority and huge import dependence in the country.